Wild About Africa

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Unnatural acts we should outlaw in Africa

Well there is a God Afterall! Yesterday the Malawian president  pardoned Chimbalanga and Monjeza who had been found guilty of charges of unnatural acts and gross indecency because these two men had announced their intention to get married.

First let me say that the charges were ridiculous – and the sentence 14 years of hard labour – frigging outrageoius. But most of us in Kenya were too cowardly to say or do anything to support these two lovers. That’s because if we went to protest at the Malawi embassy we would probably be stoned and mobbed by our own citizens, then arrested and thrown in for the weekend by our own police after a good dousing with tear gas and high pressure water hose.

I wish I could have joined friends and relatives in London who picketed outside the Malawian High Commission there.

I don’ t know what makes our people and our judges think they are better than gay people. These were two people are adults, and they are in love. What they do in the bedroom is their business. I mean, has anyone ever checked whether the judges sexual activities also amounted to unnatural acts (whats the bet that he has child porn stashed away somewhere in his mansion?). Would you share with us your fantasies and activities so that we can judge whether they amount to unnatural acts? Hell NO!

What the hell is an unnatural acts anyway.

Here are just a few of my suggestions of unnatural acts that should be outlawed and punished heavily

  1. Corruption, bribery, cooersion (eg. people at Sheria House who con Kenyan citizens, police)
  2. Pedophilia and child porn
  3. Thieves, robbers, muggers etc
  4. Going to war for no good reason (George Bush and Tony Blaire are you reading this?)
  5. Wife abuse, spouse abuse, battery
  6. Rape (yes even in marriage)
  7. Child abuse
  8. Mob justice
  9. Animal cruelty
  10. Dangerous matatu and bus drivers
  11. Politicians who think they are above the law
  12. Politicians who drive with outriders and flash blue lights
  13. Thugs for hire (Mungiki and their ilk)
  14. Lazy presidents (Kibaki are you reading this?)
  15. Sons of politicians who rig elections (stop pretending you know who you are)
  16. People who promote violence (Malema are you reading this?)
  17. Lying liars (damn! most of these crimes are committed by politicians)

Damn I could go on and on….

Back to Chimbalanga and Monjeza, go in peace brothers. Having just married myself, I know that it really is the best moment in ones life.  I wish you the best happiness in the world. If you can’t achieve it in Malawi then may they find a safe haven in a country that is not populated with biggots and homophobes. I hope that your experience which shocked the world will lead to reform of gay laws across Africa. Thank you for being so brave.

May 30, 2010 Posted by | gay, Gay Bill, Homosexuality, Injustice, Kenya | Leave a comment

Kenyan constitution says NO WAY to gay marriage

Isn’t it amazing that we can’t get organized to deal with the remaining IDP’s, we’re still fighting over the Mau, and 2 years after the post election crisis, nobody has yet gone to the Hague, or been charged with causing the crisis….. things work so slowly in Kenya – except when gay rights come into play. On gay issues we’re spot on ready to defend our God Given Christian virtues and hammer back those deviants.

Yesterday Parliamentarians  deleted a controversial clause in the draft Constitution that could have legalized same sex marriages.

No matter that same sex marriage actually exists in some Kenyan indigenous cultures.

While some people are still outraged, blinkered and mind blocked at the concept of homosexuality, the same people see no problem with an even more bizarre marriage, that between Raila and Kibaki in the so called coalition government. What about the hybrid constitution that is being proposed. Isn’t that a deadly dangerous deviant arrangement?

As angry as I am that our leaders are so STUPID and irrational, I am  impressed that Caroline Mutoko has the balls to raise the issue on  radio without falling into the gay bashing trap of yesteryear, she says that Kenyans already tolerate gays enough, and better than other African countries, but expecting to have gay marriages allowed  “there is only so far we can go”

That’s sad but true. If it were allowed I’m sure that a number of our parliamentarians would be heaving a sigh of relief that they can finally come out of that lonely closet.

PLEASE NOTE: I’m kinda sick of the gay bashing comments people try to leave on this blog so if you want to vent the hatred in your heart to your fellow human beings through my blog, I won’t let you. Please leave only comments that contribute constructively to the discussion.

January 21, 2010 Posted by | Constitution, gay, Gay Bill, Homosexuality, Kenya, politics, Relationships | , , , , , , | 4 Comments