Wild About Africa

Just another WordPress.com weblog

Soul searching in Kenya

I’ve been off line for a while. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking about my blog … I’ve been going to amazing places in my heart and on the ground…..


Seriously what are you complaining about - giraffes never get hugged!


Who says Flamingoes don't do ballet? Photo: Satyabrata Dam

On Safari to Bogoria with Satya Dam was inspirational. He taught us all lots, made me laugh but almost killed me.

Lake Bogoria looks desolate until ...

The flamingos arrive…


Photo:Satyabrata Dam

Sometimes it takes someone else to remind you that the simplest decision to make is when you only have one choice.

We were hiking through dense thorn bush, getting bruised and torn, on a blazing hot day, exhausted, dehydrated and sunburned. We climbed hills and descended valleys, and got lost along the way many times. After 5 terrible hours, we finally  found the cave we were looking for…… and there was nothing in it. The rock art we were searching for had gone.

That’s what happens in life, sometimes it’s the journey not the summit that matters.



December 15, 2010 Posted by | Relationships | 1 Comment